International and national co-operation

The laboratory has successful cooperation within bilateral and multilateral projects with universities and research organizations from the United States, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Fin-land, Iceland etc.

NLCV maintains close cooperation with world-famous institutions working in the field of the security, as the institute SANS, the organization for tracking hacker attacks and improvement of means for network protection Dshield Inc., CERT Coordination Center at the Institute for software engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, etc.

More important public topics developed by the Laboratory, with international and national contracting authorities include:

  • research and evaluation of methods for network protection against computer viruses;
  • developing and using mathematical models for assessment of the spread of computer vi-ruses;
  • study of the impact of operations on micro-programme operations on the virulence of self-mutating computer viruses;
  • computer modeling of the composition, the structure and the spread of computer viruses;
  • algorithms for control sums used for checking the integrity of data flows;
  • procedures for real-time assessing of the border securing noise immunity of corporate communication equipment;
  • study of options for targeting non-standard configurations of the type client-server;
  • use of international standards for evaluating the information security of corporate desktop, notebook and mobile systems;
  • study of opportunities for deliberate detention of traffic in wireless Internet sessions;
  • crypto-evaluation of steady hardware and software tools working in a corporate environment;
  • specific processing of stego-objects in or-der to ensure the stability in public environment;
  • methods for assessing of critical infra-structure working in Internet environment.

The Laboratory participates regularly in the electronic conferences of the networks: INet, ISOC, JANet, OMNet, UUNet, VIRNet, KAZNet, DCPlusNet.

The laboratory participates actively in initiatives and projects of:

  • ACM (Association for Computer Machinery);
  • CARO (Computer Antivirus Researcher's Organization);
  • EICAR (European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research);
  • IEEE/CS (IEEE's Computer Society);
  • IFIP/TC11 (IFIP's Technical Committee 11);
  • ISSA (Information Systems Security Association);
  • ITAA (Information Technology Association of America);
  • WITSA (World Information Technology and Services Alliance)


  • information security;
  • research and classification of newly emerging viruses;
  • establishment of an international computer virus catalogue;
  • encryption standards;
  • access control systems;
  • information protection across different platforms;
  • data recovery;
  • communication security of SQL servers;
  • computer security in client/server technology etc.

The Laboratory is a member of the worldwide group of developers of antivirus software - Anti Virus Products Developers.

The Laboratory demonstrates a traditionally high activity in electronic panel discussions organized during the World and European conferences dedicated on data security and viral problems.

With the help of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) the Laboratory has established personal contacts and official correspondence that allow it to participate in various technical committees and expert events, such as:

  • IFIP/TC11/WG 11.1 Security Management;
  • IFIP/TC11/WG 11.3 Database Security;
  • IFIP/TC11/WG 11.5 System Integrity and Control;
  • IFIP/TC11/WG 11.8 Computer Security Education.

Only in the last year the Laboratory was visited by television journalists from the U.S., Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy, and writing journalists from the U.S., Norway, Sweden, Italy and Spain.