Events with the participation of NLCV
The Petya Worm
The National Laboratory of Computer Virology organizes a workshop on the subject of “The WannaCry Worm”.
The main topics of the lecture include:
- Definitions
- Background story
- Chronology of the event
- Spreading of the worm
- M. E. Doc’s backdoor
- Analysis of the worm
- Structure of the worm
- Operation of the worm
- Operation of the ransomware
- Errors in the cryptographic protocol
- Ransomware or state-sponsored cyber-attack?
- Protecting from the attack
Speaker: Vesselin Bontchev, Ph.D.
Date: 17 Jul 2017, 15:00.
Place: 1113 Sofia, "Acad. Georgi Bonchev" Str., Block 8 (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS), aula 172
Language: Bulgarian
Duration: 90 min
Click here to register for the workshop. Please, log in the site before registration.
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